Friday 10 October 2014

Codes & Conventions Of Action/Adventure Films


From these points, I know what kinds of characters to have in my film, for example what kind of person the hero will need to be, the side character that help the character on his quest have to be, and the way the villain and the false hero can team up to try stop the hero on his quest. I've also learnt that action scenes can be heavily dependent on props, like guns or fast cars, that'll help speed up the pace of the scene, along with quick and snappy edits of the shots, and add to the action and the suspense of each shot. Finally, I learnt about the kinds of locations action/adventure films tend to be sent it, for example if they're on a quest, a bulk of the plot and the quest itself will take place within an exotic location, such as deep in a jungle, up a mountain or in the middle of a desert. I also learnt that if they're on a quest to stop the villain, the film may be set in a densely populated area, such as a major city of the world, as for example, the villain may be attempting to destroy the city and is endangering the population. This means that the location will be based in the city that he's trying to take over.

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