Saturday 18 October 2014

Film Synopsis - Back Story

Back Story

In early February 2015, there was an infectious fungal outbreak that rapidly infected a large portion of the world. This fungus infects the blood stream and the brain, and after a week of rapid growth the spores overtake and control the Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex and the Amygdala, which leads to constant anger and aggression, and a loss of control of the human body and emotions by the host.

After the outbreak, 4 friends; Alex Harrison, Zak Hughes, Olan Hughes and Harry Stokes, all manage to escape the mass outbreak close to them and avoid being infected and getting caught up in the widespread mass panic within all major towns and cities. This lead to them fleeing from Columbus, OH north to Marysville, OH. They found that the majority of the town had been quickly deserted after news of the outbreak and managed to find a small but secure garage outside a house with its own generator and well, meaning they have a constant supply of clean water and potential limitless power. Alex and Zak make regular weekly supply runs by heading back into a large grocery store on the outskirts of Columbus, around 8-9 miles away that had been completely untouched after news of the infection spread.

2 Years after the outbreak in early March, 2017, during their regular supply run to the store they reached the stores location to find that a large group had entered the store and taken all of the remaining supplies, leaving Alex and Zak searching all the shelves and storage sections of the store when they heard some noises around near the entrance of the store. Upon investigation, it had appeared that due to the large group having raided the store, they’d brought upon themselves a large amount of attention while hauling all the remaining food, drink and medical supplies out of the store, which lead a group of the infected to follow them into and getting trapped within the store. Alex and Zak then have to fight their way out of the store, and while in the process of killing one, Alex was deeply scratched by one of the infected humans. This lead to him contracting the fungal infection and a deep wound on his chest. Knowing they don’t have much time to escape and get back to the safe house in Marysville, Zak helps Alex to escape and they start their journey back to the rest of their group, a further 8 miles away.

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