Tuesday 21 October 2014

Textual Analysis Of A Film Opening

The opening sequence for ‘Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark’ contains lots of clever use of edits, camera shots, music, lighting and editing. For example, the film cleverly introduces the main character, but keeping his identity for the opening sequence hidden right until the very end.
This was done by having any camera shots on him always facing from behind him, obstructing his face and using low levels of lighting on him to add more shadows, which further builds up the mystery. When they finally show his face, they do it in quick paced little action clip, which uses many different shots in a quickly edited fashion, to keep the scene face paced and clearly show it was a very tense moment for the characters.
The show where the film is set and when the events take place, by showing clear shots of jungle canopy at the foot of a mountain in the opening shot, and carry on to show dense jungle throughout the entire sequence. Later on in the sequence, they a shot that says ‘South America, 1938’, which further shows the location the film is in, and the time period as to when it was set. Finally they show that the story is being based around adventure and action, and the possibility of going to exotic locations around the world.
I can learn from the elements used in this film that for any action scene, the shots need to be quick, short and snappy, and that high suspense orchestral music will help to build further suspense and add to the action present, no matter how shot the scene lasts.
I’ll try using the same style of mystery the is present about why they main character and his team are at first trekking deep through a South American jungle. I’ll do the introduction to the hero differently to this film, as I don’t wish to keep his identity a complete mystery until the end, instead showing his face in the first shot.

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