Saturday 18 October 2014

Film Synopsis

Film Synopsis

After the rest of the group finds out Alex is infected, then plan a journey from their garage in Marysville, OH to Washington, D.C. where there is supposedly a cure. They plan out their journey across the states and plan a route that takes 420 miles and across the different motorways connecting the locations.

Harry manages to get a car working to transport them in their journey and they grab their supplies, and set off. Throughout their journey they come across numerous obstacles such as while traveling in their car it breaks down and they're attacked by a group of infected and have to run on foot. Another example is when they're fleeing through a woodland area south of the city, they're ambushed by a group of scavengers and have to escape.

Just before they make it to the city, Alex turns and the fungus overtakes his brain and they have to kill him and flee to the city. When they reach it they head straight for the research center which is where they discover a cure has been found for infected people, but those who've already turned can't be saved, only those in the early stages on the infection.

The guilt Zak feels for letting Alex get infected causes him to take his own life due to the overwhelming levels of guilt he feels, leaving his brother, Olan, and Harry to fend with them selves after losing their two best friends.

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