Tuesday 6 January 2015

Concept Arts: Zak Hughes & Outdoor Setting


For the concept for Zak Hughes, the main character, I took into consideration how I wanted him to be dressed, the way he looks and the setting of opening sequence. For the colours of the setting, I took into consideration the time of the year when I'd be filming, and as it would be autumn time, I used a lot of orange, yellow, brown and red colours to reflect this, and made it so these colours set the moody feeling I was aiming for.

I used these two pictures as reference images for these colours for the setting:

These pictures of Michigan and Detroit areas of America in autumn were my reference images for the colours and provided as a colour palette for the concept and inspired the more rural and woodland setting of what I want.

For the costume ideas for Zak, I made it so he was wearing clothing you'd be wearing when it starts to get colder in the autumn/winter time of the year, such as the jumper and winter boots. I then made it so these items of clothing followed the same colour scheme of oranges, yellows, reds and browns. I then added blood splatters and stains to the costume, which'll be shown within my final sequence on the characters clothing, along with the warmer clothing items. All of the characters will follow a similar clothing scheme, as they'll all be trying to keep warm as it gets colder, but only Zak Hughes and Alex Harrison will be the ones wearing blood stained clothing, as they're the ones

Next, I decided the facial expression would be slightly sad and would be make him look quite down, to fit the mood of the film. Then to help make it look like this more, I made the way he was stood as quite rugged with his hands in his pockets. This helped show that since the apocalypse, things have been tough on Zak, Alex, Olan and Harry and they've been struggling with how everything has changed and how they have to struggle to survive every day.

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