Saturday 10 January 2015

Shooting Schedule


On this day, we ended up filming in a different location, to make it appear a lot more friendly and practical. We managed to get the lighting well set up and correctly aimed around the room to allow for the footage to later be turned from bright and well lit, to looking like its low level lighting and filmed at night time, except this way it meant we could avoid having the grainy effect you get on darker bits of footage and flickering in shadows like when you actually film in a dark environment, such as in a dark room or outside at night time.

On this day, we filmed all of the shots that involved being out side. Doing all of these at once meant that I didn't need to drag all of the characters out at once on multiple days. I think this was an effective way of filming because it meant that there was no problem with the characters wearing any different clothes and looking any different. Not all of the shots that I filmed on this day were used, but the ones that I did use I think were well filmed and effectively do what I wanted them to like I originally planned to.

This was the final day of filming. I filmed all of these shots on my own, as none of them involved having any of the other actors in shot. I think I filmed these well and did so in manner where it shows the audience what I planned on showing, this being that the characters is dipping in and out of consciousness and is injured in some way. As I wanted to make this the final day of filming, I made sure that I properly filmed everything and did it multiple times over, just in case anything went wrong or didn't look right. Luckily, the shots that I wasn't happy with, I'd re-filmed and had a version of them that I was happy with, meaning that I could still use whichever ones I wanted in my film.

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